
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The Threat Of The Tropical Cyclone - 2740 Words

Introduction Throughout the nation, natural, technological, and man-made disasters jeopardizes communities as a whole. Many people rely on their local communities emergency preparedness plans, while they should be utilizing their knowledge, information provided for them, and using their capabilities to ready themselves and their families. The outcome that can come from any disastrous event mainly relies on how you respond to the specific threat, and the steps one takes to minimize the risks of such a scenario. Being from Florida, I have been subject to several types, and forms, of disasters; but the most common and the one that can pose one of the greatest threats is the tropical cyclone, also known as the hurricane. When concerning this†¦show more content†¦Many times, these choices can be based on their previous experience and their knowledge of tropical cyclones. Many families, including my own, that has been a resident of Florida for a multitude of years has experienced numerous stor ms and aware of their capabilities. Over the past quarter decade alone, there have been severe landings that have stricken the Florida Coast line, such as Hurricane Andrew in 1992, Hurricane Irene in 1999, and the four storms that landed in 2004, Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. All of these landings have convinced many people to seek further knowledge and to conduct better preparation standards in the inevitability of another landing. In fact, Chris Landsea, through the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration Hurricane Research Division states, â€Å"For the U.S., the locations that have the highest chances are the following: Miami, Florida - 48%†( 2014). This means that every year Florida, Miami more specifically, has a forty-eight percent chance of being hit by a hurricane. With the high percentage of Florida possibly being struck each year, many residents have possibly become disillusioned about the possible catastrophic damage these storms can truly cause. In addition to the residential firsthand knowledge, and reoccurrence of these natural disasters, another aspect that can affect the decisionsShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Global Warming On The Earth1549 Words   |  7 Pages Presently, climate change is one of the largest threats to the Earth, and all recent research points to an anthropogenic cause. As humans burn fossil fuels, carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases enter the atmosphere where they remain at unprecedented levels. As a result, greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation emitted by the Earth and trap the radiation as heat, which should have left the atmosphere and entered outer space. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Use of Computer Systems Free Essays

INTRODUCTION Computer systems are a very important part of our world today and are seen almost anywhere. It has got to that stage where computer systems are a part of pretty much all we do. In this same sense, anybody who has no computer knowledge whatsoever would be regarded as an illiterate in full years to come and with this regard; we can say that not having any knowledge of computers is like not attending a school at all. We will write a custom essay sample on Use of Computer Systems or any similar topic only for you Order Now This article explains how and where computer systems are important to our lives and different sectors or environments. THE EFFECTS OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS ON DIFFERENT ENVIRONMENTS Computer systems are being used nowadays in different and dynamic areas which include Banking, industry, Education, Business, Home, Networking, games etc. Banking: Computer systems play a major role in banking systems because even without being a computer literate or genius, a person can easily spot that computers are important in this sector because once a person steps into a banking environment, computers are seen everywhere. But to be specific, computers are used for various tasks in the banking sector. a. The transaction task: personal computers are the best for these kinds of job because they are used to record simple transactions that involve sending out and receiving money. These tasks don’t require any big or super computers because even a little calculator can calculate. Personal desktop computers are mostly preferred and required because they are used to record these transactions as well as storing them on an online server database. b. Administrative tasks: the computer plays a major role here by being used to manage offline databases that contain human resource information that include number of staff, health benefits, salary, age, and sometimes being used to generate salary pay cheques unlike the old ways which included filing paper documents which is harder and slower to locate when needed. c. Authentication purposes: computers are used to instantly connect with other branches of the same banks every time information is needed. This makes it easier for customers to walk into any bank (asides their headquarters or where their account was opened) to make transactions How to cite Use of Computer Systems, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Managing Strategy In Global Marketplace - Sample Solution

Questions: 1. How would you evaluate Mathias Dopfners strategic leadership in the face of the digital revolution? What key strategic actions did he take and how were they different from how most other publishers approached the situation? How successful is the companys digital transformation as it stands in 2014? 2. What did Kai Diekmann, Peter Wurtenberger, and Martin Sinner learn from their 10 months in Silicon Valley and how did they incorporate these lessons into Axel Springers transformation? Moreover, what signals did their trip send to the organization? 3. What are the strategic challenges that Axel Springer faces in the next three to five years and how should they be addressed? In particular, what should be Axel Springers global strategy? How should Dopfner navigate the dynamics between his firms local (e.g., classifieds) and international (e.g., advertising) interests? 4. Beyond 2014, who is best positioned to take advantage of the evolving digital landscape: the old media content exper ts or the new media technology experts? Why? How can Axel Springer effectively fight against Google and other firms that may negatively impact the Fair Search and Fair Share environment referenced in the case? 5. If you were Mathias Dopfner, what would you like the digitally transformed publishing industry to look like in 2020? How would you want to strategically position Axel Springer in the transformed industry, and what would be the distinctive competencies necessary to occupy, defend, and leverage that desired strategic position? In particular, what would be the role of the companys Silicon Valley outpost to support a winning corporate strategy? Answers: 1. Mathias Dopfners strategic leadership undertakes certain key actions like digitalization in the recent global marketplace. Market leadership in German language core business helps in attaining profitable growth in the near future. Corporate values ensure creativity as well as integrity for future analysis purpose (Murphy Murphy, 2012). Mathias Dopfner is the CEO of Axel Springer in the US in and around the world. He aims at achieving topmost position in the new global digital business. It requires comparison with other digital publishing companies for establishing plans. Axel Springer plan becomes one of the global digital media company in parallel with Oslo-based Schibsted Media Group as well as South Africa based Naspers. Mathias Dopfner conducts making minority investments as well as inside view in business enterprise. It is advisable in reducing dependency on print acting as a source of earnings. It claims seventy two percent earnings from the digital business. Mathias Dopfne r focus mainly on transporting smarts from one business to another. He does not encourage venturing into strong e-commerce as well as understanding the business at the same time (Zahra Ali, 2012). It aims at transferring knowledge from the potential audiences as unique ways for application of published DNA. Mathias Dopfner found out that new ways for acquisition of data considers as independent business entities altogether. Mathias Dopfner believes in connecting customers data in case of reading in shopping events. It enhances data types as well as warehouse building in bringing fundamental strategies in digital publishing company. Mathias Dopfner spreads news that business drives traffic into digital classifieds ijn synergies of new digital news as well as digital commerce for the same. 2. From the ten months Silicon Valley project, Kai Diekmann, Peter Wurtenberger and martin Sinner learned certain key ideas on Axel Springer transformation. Axel Springers Digital Transformation incorporates lesson for learning from Silicon Valley. In the year 2012, Axel Springer continues in transition for full digitalization. It implements in creation of strategic product development as Axel Springer ideas as well as nurturing creative talents in media in form of Axel Springer Media Entrepreneurs (Henry, 2011). It stresses on early stage conference for aggregation, filtering as well as selection of photos in Pixlee. Kai Diekmann, Peter Wurtenberger and martin Sinner are responsible for central marketing division Axel Springer Media Impact. Their mission is to conduct framework for team development in possessing new entrepreneurial ideas in case of digital growth. It exchanges ways as well as networking with local companies and universities in Silicon Valley. In modern integrated me dia company, growth creates combined creative content as well as innovative IT solutions and persuasive marketing concepts. It selects ideal team for addressing mission statement in and about digital growth to Silicon Valley. It returns with Silicon Valley, managers undertake current tasks as well as responsibilities at Axel Springer once again. Axel Springer and Plug Play Tech Center leads accelerator as well as startup investors based upon Silicon Valley. It signs agreement for establishment of accelerator programs in case starting projects at Germany and Europe (Vernon Wortzel, 2012). It aims at supporting as well as accelerating innovative digital business ideas in case of implementation purpose. 3. This question addresses strategic challenges faced by Axel Springer in the next three to five year time. It requires Dopfner in navigating the dynamics in and between local (classifieds) as well as international in form of advertising interests. Axel Springer implements global strategies based upon journalism. Paid models include all business models funded by paying readers. Marketing models funded by advertising customers. It focuses on digital transformation of society as well as business opportunity in shaping culture out of values. It divides into analogs and digital camps (Frynas Mellahi, 2011). Classifieds was one common area that needs consideration as far as possible. Other area was performance marketing. Axel Springer was an early investor in Zanox that was an affiliated marketing startup. Ideaolo was another price comparison site that considers as the market leader in Germany. Axel Springer indulges in investment in Stepstone at the same time. Dopfner got convinced with the online classifieds in starting small scale business operations. In the initial growth push, Springer looked in for Startups as well as trying in launching own new brands like Schibsted. Dopfner decides on policies for investing in new business models for attainment of future sustainability growth in the upcoming years. It invested mostly in companies in form of clear track record as well as huge growth potential at the same time (Mann Gotz, 2012). Dopfner strategies were to opt for bigger investments in companies like Zanox. It calls for applications at the interview in form of business models. 4. As per the given case, it is commented that new media technology experts proves better positioning in comparison with evolving digital landscape (Ghobadian, 2012). This particular statement based upon Google as well as other similar firms for offering content over Internet on free basis. In comparison with old media, content experts charges for the content for delivering to the customers. In order to compete with industry giants in the upcoming era, Axel Springer requires offering free of cost content to the potential customers. For generation of income, companies from the old media generate revenues. It offers different companies for the option in advertising their brands in and over articles, news as uploaded in Axel Springer. It ensures reliable content for the users for free availability. Addition to that, Axel Springer needs to compete with rival firm like Google. It requires usage of similar models as well as offers customers free content. Axel Springer has the capacity in f ighting with large giant Google in positioning innovative ways for fair search and fair share in business activities. Axel Springer positions itself in becoming biggest publisher in the house of journalism. It aims at informing and advising readers independently in every form. It strengthens freedom as well as democracy in open minds of readers (Fahey Randall, 2012). It is difficult for Axel Springer in competing with giant firms like Google. Google has large database as well as free content availability. It is essential for Axel Springer in conducting similar business strategy in gauging readers as well as providing quality assessment for free news articles. It serves as competitive strategy for Axel Springer in generation of reasonable profits in threatening firm like Google. 5. In place of Mathias Dopfner, it is advisable that Axel Springer should actively shapes digitalization and ensures future opportunity in the media market. It should position itself in becoming economically successful in the near future (Bishop Hydoski, 2012). By 2020, Axel Springer should digitally transform publishing industry for acquired status in being hub as international recognition. Dopfner should attain excellence in incorporation of digital systems for business operations for the same. Addition to that, it presents ways for gaining quality as well as competitive products in potential markets. Digitally transformed publishing industry should ensure ways for grounding in Europe as well as other parts of the world in the year 2020 (Effron, Gandossy Goldsmith, 2012). It is likely to attract entrepreneurial attentions in parts in and around the world. It involves people with little knowledge in relation with quality products offerings in the most appropriate way. This particu lar publishing industry should ensure development of new technologies for matching and winning with competitors. It should make strategies in winning with big giant technology firms like Google as well as Apple for the same. In aligning with latest business techniques, Axel Springer, compete in competitive firms as well as new media technology experts. It uses bottom down approach for effective decision making process in an effective way. Reference List Bishop, T. Hydoski, F. (2012).Corporate resiliency. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Effron, M., Gandossy, R., Goldsmith, M. (2012).Human resources in the 21st century. Hoboken, N.J.: J. Wiley Sons. Fahey, L. Randall, R. (2012).The portable MBA in strategy. New York: Wiley. Frynas, J. Mellahi, K. (2011).Global strategic management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Ghobadian, A. (2012).Strategy and performance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Henry, A. (2011).Understanding strategic management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Mann, C. Gotz, K. (2012).Borderless business. Westport, Conn.: Praeger. Murphy, P. Murphy, A. (2012).Strategic management for tourism communities. Clevedon: Channel View Publications. Vernon, H. Wortzel, L. (2012).Strategic management in the global economy. New York: John Wiley. Zahra, S. Ali, A. (2012).The Impact of innovation and technology in the global marketplace. New York: Haworth Press.